Dealing with Grubs
Several species of grubs can quickly become a problem for your lawn. They are most often the larvae stage of the May or June beetle. These larvae feed on the lawn root system and if unchecked can kill areas of grass. Grass blades will first wilt, then yellow, and then die in patches. The use of nematodes has proven to be a highly effective method of dealing with grubs.
To check for grubs, lift a section of sod near the damaged area of your lawn and look for C shaped white grub larvae. Often, damage caused by skunks, racoons, and other small mammals digging directly into the root zone is clear evidence that grubs are present.
Dealing with Chinch Bugs
Chinch bugs are quite common and begin to cause visible damage to lawns with the arrival of warm, dry weather. The first damage first appears in sun exposed areas as irregular brown patches, about 2-3 feet in diameter. The insects keep moving out from the infested area, so they are most likely to be found at the edges of the patch. Adult Chinch bugs are small, black bugs about 3/16″ long with white wings and reddish legs. The nymphs are smaller than adults, wingless, brick red in color with a white band on the back.